Monday, February 27, 2012

Religion and Apologies: Through the Looking Glass

Did you miss this story in your local paper?

AP--Washington: President Obama announced today that he will rescind his administration's policy of forcing Catholic institutions to cover birth control and abortafacient drugs for their employees.

The president's move came after days of rioting by Catholics that followed a speech by newly-minted Cardinal Timothy Dolan. In the speech, Dolan called on Catholics throughout the country to launch a "new Crusade" against the Obama policy. In response to Dolan's call, Catholics across the nation took to the streets, blocking traffic, harassing government workers and throwing bricks and stones through the windows of federal offices in major cities.

"I deeply apologize to the Roman Catholic Church and to faithful Catholics everywhere," President Obama wrote in a prepared statement. "The policy that my administration announced last month contradicted our most important values. I fully respect the right of Catholic institutions to refrain from providing or paying for birth control and abortion-inducing drugs as part of their health insurance plans. I am sorry and I have cancelled the policy."

Obama planned an investigation into the formulation of the offensive policy. "We will hold responsible those who committed this terrible error and I will not rest until this administration respects the right of all Americans to practice their faith without intrusion by the government."

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